Joyeux Noel movie review



After this article was published, my brother wrote me and mentioned that our grandfather, who was fighting on the German side, had told him that he  was involved in this incident at Christmas. He never talked about the war to me so I never knew until my brother told me. I wondered if he had something to do with my interest in it. I would like to believe he was influencing me.


Joyeux Noel

A film by writer/director Christian Carion

Starring the multinational cast of:

Diane Kruger, Bruno Furmann, Guillaume Canet, Daniel Bruhl, Bernard LeCoq, Ian Richardson, and Alex Ferns

This is a war movie with a difference. Instead of showing mere battle brutality, it weaves a story of humanity from the lives of three soldiers on opposing sides of the battlefield.  It reveals how understanding, friendship, and a common love for music can turn enemies into friends. “Joyeux Noel” is based on a historical moment of kindness that occurred in France on Christmas Eve in 1914.

This was a well documented incident at one of the first battles of WWI, involving some 3,000 soldiers from the Scot, French, and German sides. On Christmas Eve the German side began to sing Silent Night. The Scots answered with a bagpipe accompaniment, and soon all three sides were singing the same song together in trenches 100 meters apart from each other. Such a contrast! – Singing in the same trenches where that very afternoon the sound of war title

Coaxed into peace by the universal warmth of this song, the warring sides ventured out of their trenches and agreed on an unofficial truce, which in some places lasted for ten days. They exchanged photos, addresses, chocolate, champagne, other small gifts, and played football (soccer) together. They realized that they had more in common than they realized.

A physical manifestation of this was shown in the film with a cat that both sides claimed as their mascot. This cat was heedless of the war and wandered from side to side, making friends with both.

But the friendship between warring sides went beyond mere pleasantries, the next morning, each side warned each other of artillery shelling that they knew was coming and sheltered each other in their trenches to avoid being hit.

The former enemies communicated as best they could, some knew each other’s language. The German commander named Horstmayer said in his thick accent, to the French lieutenant, Audebert, “When we take Paris and it will all be over, you can invite me up for a drink at your house in rue Vavin!”

To which Audebert replied, “Don’t feel you have to invade Paris to get a drink round my house!”


It was a beautiful sight to see those that had been viciously trying to slaughter each other, now as comrades. What was it that brought about this miraculous transformation? Surprisingly, it was a shared love of Christmas music that was the catalyst to transform these savage warriors into friends.

Films about WWI are important. This war, perhaps more than any other, was a stupid waste of life and had tragic repercussions for the rest of the century. Instead of being the ‘war to end all wars’, it turned out to be the fuel that started the next world conflagration of WWII.

Perhaps we can learn something from this movie, and that is, not to repeat their mistake of demonizing our “foes”. Instead, we like Jesus, need to love and show good to our enemies. Some may say, that this is easier said than done, true, but this film shows by example that it is not impossible. We need to look beyond the external differences of race, color, or creed, and realize that everyone has common needs — to receive and give love! If we get to know other people, we may find as they did in this film that we have more in common than we realize.


Peace is certainly a central theme of Christmas. This film celebrating the Christmas truce of 1914 reminds us of the angelic proclamation to the wondering shepherds: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”

At the time of this announcement, there was also tremendous conflict surrounding the birth of Jesus. The Romans were a cruel and oppressive occupying force crushing anyone who got in their way. The Roman appointed King Herod made war against the newborn babe and tried to slaughter him by massacring the innocents of Bethlehem.

But in spite of all the hate and fury that the devil could hurl against Jesus – love prevailed. At the end of Jesus’ earthly life when He was crucified, it seemed to his enemies as if they had triumphed, but to their dismay, three days later, Christ victoriously rose again, giving us the promise that we too could have eternal life in Him.

Picture2In this film, one might be tempted to think that this gesture of friendship between opposing armies was in vain, as the soldiers that participated in this truce were severely reprimanded and shipped to the front lines. The lords of war made sure that there would be no repeat of this incident as they ordered that every Christmas thereafter; shelling of the enemy lines should be increased. Despite this, it is reported that similar incidents occurred the following Easter and the next Christmas as well. Nevertheless, looking beyond the success or failure of these temporary truces, this unique story of peace in the midst of the storm lives on and has inspired millions for generations and will certainly continue to inspire others for many years to come.

Alfred Anderson, the last survivor of the Christmas Truce of 1914 died November 21st, 2005 at a nursing home in his native Scotland. He was 109 years old. It is interesting to note that as he was dying, his story was in the process of being reborn, and was released as this film the following spring. Nominated for 8 awards and winner of two, this heart-touching movie is destined to become a Christmas classic.

This story of peace in the midst of war continues to break down barriers that make enemies of potential friends. Ultimately, it is a testimony to the power of God’s love, which is the essence of Christmas.



Luk 2:13  And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,

Luk 2:14  Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.